The CSV files cannot be downloaded now #568

Mukoto (2023-02-24 09:46) · 549 view(s) · 4 comment(s)

Hi, we found such a treasure just now and we thought this dataset must be very helpful for our research.

But we cannot download the CSV file on the website now, can you fix up the dataset or anyone else know how to solve it ?

Thank you for building the dataset for public and we are looking forward to hearing from you !

Administrator (2023-02-27 08:24)
Hi Mukoto,
I am sorry for the inconvenience.
We've moved our file storage server recently and got this bug ;(
The problem has been fixed, so you might be able to download dataset files now.
Thank you for letting us know and please let us know if there is any other problem.

Mukoto (2023-02-28 03:35)
Thank you very much ! We can download CSV files from website now.
And we found another problem that the vital files could not be downloaded through python, can you fix up the problem ?
Looking forward to hearing from you !

Administrator (2023-02-28 04:59)
Could you describe the problem in more details?
Well, if you are talking about downloading the open dataset vital files, you might want to look at VitalDB Python Library Guide ( or API Doc for Open Dataset (

Mukoto (2023-02-28 07:14)
We found that it is our mistakes made in the program result in the unsussessful download ,
and we've solved it.
Thank you for your kind response !