Open File Problem #153

DGMC Clinical Investigations Facility (2019-09-06 15:44) · 1090 view(s) · 3 comment(s)


Version 48 and 49 have  a bug. When the open file button is pressed the program stops running.  I'm using MS Windows 10 on a Lenovo Yoga laptop.  Thanks for your great work!

vitaldb2017 (2019-09-08 00:10)
Sorry for the inconvenience. We are also aware of the bug and fixing it.
It takes time to fix the bug, because the bug may or may not occur depending on the computer environment you are using.
It may be inconvenient, but for the time being, please use the drag and drop action to open files.

vitaldb2017 (2019-09-11 02:30)
We've fixed the issue. Please update your VR to version 50.

DGMC Clinical Investigations Facility (2019-09-13 22:49)

I updated to version 50 and that fixed the problem. However, when I export to a CSV file using absolute time, it places the same time in every row of data. Thanks again for your responsiveness!