Philips Intellivue MX800 CO₂ waveform jagged and inaccurate #241

Luke Fletcher (2020-01-28 00:57) · 761 view(s) · 2 comment(s)

Hi everyone

I am experiencing a problem with CO₂ waveform extraction. I am connected to a Philips Intellivue MX800, and can successfully obtain numeric and waveform data. However, the CO₂ waveform recorded by VitalDB has two issues:

1. The waveform drawn is not continuous/smooth. It is jagged and interrupted, with large gaps appearing between measured points.

2. The measurements (in mmHg) are not accurate. On the monitor, the patient's PiCO2 is 0 and the PetCO2 is 40mmHg, but the extracted PiCO2 is approximately 18mmHg and the PetCO2 is approximately 80mmHg.

I have confirmed this by extracting the data into CSV and inspecting the raw output.

Attached is a link to DropBopx folder with the ".vital" file and a screenshot that represents the issue:

Does anyone have any advice for resolving this problem?

Kind regards

Luke Fletcher

vitaldb2017 (2020-01-30 05:32)
We found the cause of the bug and are fixing it.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Luke Fletcher (2020-01-31 07:22)
That's great, thanks for your assistance!