Sorting out data with infusion of propofol #258

YJ-PARK (2020-02-10 10:21) · 698 view(s) · 2 comment(s)

Hello Vitaldb

First of all, thanks for these amazing works and sharing.

I want to ask about finding data in Data Bank. 

I just want to sorting out the db which is masured only with use of infusion of propofol. 

I guess that i can find that data looking at the Orchestra/PPF20_VOL since it means the infused propofol volume. 

However, patient might be anesthized by both of propofol and other anesthetics like sevoflurane. So, Im looking other index like Primus/MAC or Primus/INSP_SEVO too. 

So, for example I found that case ID 218 has no MAC and INSP_SEVO but has PPF20_VOL.  Is it ture that ID 218 was fully anesthzied only by propofol ? Anything that im missing the points ?

Or, it is so greatful to let me know the method of figuring out which anethetics patient had gotten. 

Thank you in advance, always admires about what you have done. 


vitaldb2017 (2020-02-11 09:15)
The patient with ID 218 was anesthetized using TIVA (total intravenous anesthesia) -TCI (target-controlled infusion) technique, and the drugs used for TIVA-TCI were propofol and remifentanil.
In most cases of general anesthesia, sevoflurane, desflurane, propofol and/or remifentanil were used as primary anesthetics.
If you want to understand more about the data, we recommend that you consult with an anesthesiologist or work with them.

YJ-PARK (2020-02-11 12:28)
Thank you for your kind reply