Recording duration query #355

Gavriel Jacoby (2021-01-26 15:13) · 555 view(s) · 2 comment(s)

Will the recording function last indefinitely? We need it to run for up to 5 days.

vitaldb2017 (2021-01-26 23:09)
Yes, the recording will continue until you click the stop button. However, it's a good idea to check the estimated size of your recordings and how much space is left on your local storage.

Suzan Jeffries (2021-02-15 10:27)
We checked space left (storage capacity) on our laptop and it is 87GB. A 4 hour recording on Vital DB used only 288KB. A 24 hour recording therefore is just 1728KB, and 5 days recording would be 8,640KB, which is 8.79MB. This is a fraction of our total remaining space left (87GB). And yet when I checked the Vital DB this morning after leaving it running for nearly 5 days it shows in red just 10 hours 35 minutes of recording, It is not holding the entire recording. What is the problem? I need help, please. Thanks