VitalDB Oauth2 API
VitalDB APIs use the OAuth2.0 protocol for authentication and authorization.
Overall Process
Your application must request a code and then extracts an access token from the response. Finally, your application can use the data from VitalDB APIs using the access token.
Login Page
Issue a code, which is required to get an access token. Used in “Sign in with VitalDB” service.
- Please urlencode the parameter if it has any special characters.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
client_id | String | Required | Client ID, please contact us to get a client ID |
redirect_uri | String | Required | URI to be redirected after login succeeds. Redirected to: redirect_uri?code=xxxxxxxx&state=xxxxxxxx |
state | String | Optional | Random String used to protect against CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery). VitalDB server sends back the state parameter. If state parameters are different, CSRF detected. |
Return Value
- If successful, it redirected to redirect_uri?code=xxxxxxxx&state=xxxxxxxx
Field | Type | Description |
code | String | A code (random string) which is required to issue an access token. The code will expire in 3 minutes. |
state | String | Random String used to protect against CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery). VitalDB server sends back the state parameter. If state parameters are different, CSRF detected. |
Sample Codes
curl -i |
Get Token
Issue an access token which is required to access VitalDB APIs.
- Please urlencode the parameter if it has any special characters.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
client_id | String | Required | Client ID, please contact us to get a client ID |
client_secret | String | Required | Client Secret, please contact us to get a client secret |
code | String | Required | A code issued by VitalDB Login API |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
id | String | Required | VitalDB user ID |
pw | String | Required | VitalDB user password |
Return Value
- Content-type: application/json
Field | Type | Description |
access_token | String | An access token which is required to access VitalDB APIs |
token_type | String | Bearer type |
expires_in | Number | = 3600. The access token expires in an hour. |
Sample Codes
curl -v -d 'code=xxxxxxxxxxxx&client_id=xxxxx&client_secret=xxxxxxxx' |
curl -v -d 'id=userid&pw=password' |