added device not shown after restarting - problem with the latest update? #384

Leopold Simma (2021-04-19 08:08) · 544 view(s) · 2 comment(s)

Dear Developers,

I installed vitalrecorder version on my private notebook. With this version the last device device and the settings are shown after restaring the program. 

Now I my empolyer's IT-service installed the latest version on a research notebook within the organisation's network. Now the device adding and settings process has to be repeated every time.

Is it the notebook or is it the latest version of vitalrecorder that's causing the trouble?

Thank you for helping to fix this,


best regards

Leopold Simma




PS: The manual says "The added device is shown on the Devices tab and will not disappear from the list after exiting and restarting the Vital Recorder program"

vitaldb2017 (2021-05-06 13:59)
Please uninstall the old version and reinstall the latest version of VR.

Leopold Simma (2021-05-22 20:24)
Thank you. Problem resolved!